MUFF TO x Mean Girls

MUFF TO x Mean Girls

#MUFFxTO - Mean Girls (March 12, 2015)

Mean Girls is one of Siân's top five favourite movies, so she was pretty effin' stoked to be screening it. And with good reason, because it is hilarious and so fetch and, hey, Tina Fey wrote it, remember? So, basically, most perfect movie of all time. It was a technically a Thursday in March, but it was both a Wednesday and October 3rd in our hearts. 

Everyone who came was treated to their very own Candy Cane Gram. Unfortunately Santa did not hand them out but, hey, they all had special tags on them that we spent an entire evening hand-tying SO YOU'RE WELCOME! 

We had another great round of raffle prizes (shout out to Pinky's NailsThe Hair ShopThe Bake Shoppe, and Cinefilles + Netflix for supplying us with some extra special gifties) and crowned our very own MUFF Society Spring Fling King and Queen. 

Speaking of Pinky's Nails, Siân got her nails did all fancy just for the screening. Have you ever seen anything so amazing? We didn't think so. 

And the bestest news of all: we recently partnered with a new company, Hunter and Northefor our photobooth props. Ugh, they are so grool. We are so excited to see what amazing props they come up with for our future screenings! 

Here's some pictures. The rest are on our FB page! Oh, and you can't sit with us until you listen to our #MUFFMix.

Listen Up: Please Read

Listen Up: Please Read

MUFF TO x Point Break

MUFF TO x Point Break