MUFF TO x Point Break
#MUFFxTO - Point Break (February 11, 2015)
Maybe you're all like, "Wait, why did you show Point Break? That's kind of a dude's movie, isn't it?" You are right but also you are wrong. Do you know who directed Point Break?
Thus making Point Break a perfect addition to the #MUFFApproved family. Because that's what we're all about here at The MUFF Society: broadening our idea of what is considered a "feminist" film and celebrating even the "unlikely" films. (We sort of hate having to classify action films as "unlikely" to be directed by women but, sigh, that's the world we're living in right now.)
And last night's celebration of Point Break was radical, brah. We had a lot of new people, and a lot of regulars, and there was even a surfboard (A REAL SURFBOARD) in our photobooth. Basically it was the greatest Valentine's movie ever. EVER.
Thanks to The Candy Bar for donating some delicious swag to our raffle and for supplying us with some super special candy at concessions (edible money, nom nom nom!). And to the winner of the gift certificate to Hey Meatball (for TWO meatball subs): you're so welcome. And we hope they were delicious. Gary Busey is shining down on you.
Check out some of our photos. Needless to say, the night was 100% pure adrenaline! And our #MUFFMix is at least 200% adrenaline. You can find the rest on our FB page.