Mini MUFF Profile: White Widow

Mini MUFF Profile: White Widow

Mini MUFF Profile: White Widow
short film: Cinderella - A Shadow Ballet

We had so many incredible submissions to our mini MUFF program in San Francisco, and it’s been so difficult–but wonderful–to pick and pair with our program. For August, we are so excited to program Carla Patullo’s, AKA White Widow, beautiful tribute to revolutionary animator Lotte Reiniger. Cinderella, A Shadow Ballet will be opening for our upcoming Mean Girls screening this Thursday, August 6th. What a perfect pairing since Cinderella tells of two of the original mean girls.

Let's start this off with the basics: YOU!

White Widow (Carla Patullo), is originally from Springfield, MA.  Primarily, a songstress/composer for the screen, her work has been featured in numerous TV Shows and Independent films.  She served as musical director for Sandra Bernhard, who described her as  “so fucking raw and groovy that it scares the shit out of [her]".  Cinderella, A Shadow Ballet is Ms. Widow's first film project and re-conceptualization of animation pioneer Lotte Reiniger's silent film Aschenputtel.

Can you tell us a little bit about the short we are screening?

WW: Lotte Reiniger’s beautiful work!  I stumbled across Lotte's original film Aschenputtel and was mesmerized!  The way that she captured the movement of her silhouettes immediately inspired me musically.  Her abstract cut outs opened up the door to my own interpretation of the film.

"To confront a person with his own shadow is to show him his own light" - Carl Jung.

I dove into a world of shadow psychology and repression, where the classic tale fairy princess needs to confront her repressed self to find her inner light.

Tell us about why you are a feminist and why it's important to your filmmaking.

WW: When I was a kid I never related to Disney's Cinderella.  The idea of some prince coming to save me never made sense.  I think that this film shows women how to come out of their shadow. To confront their own big fears and to stand proud.  I feel very happy and proud as a female artist to shine a light on Lotte's work almost a century later.  She was a pioneer filmmaker who created the first feature length film, Prince Achmed (Aladdin), and invented the first multi-plane camera, both later popularized by Disney.

Who are your favourite women working in the film industry?

WW: Lotte Reinger, Ava DuVernay, Andrea Meyerson, Sandra Bernhard, Laura Karpman

If a movie about your life was cast/created, who would star as you and what genre would it be?

WW: A Sci-fi film with Milla Jovovich as me.  She kicks butt!  

What's the best advice about filmmaking you've ever received?

WW: To dream bigger.  If the dream only includes you, it's not big enough. - Ava DuVernay

Who is the best/superior Batman?

WW: Michael Keaton

Put together your Dream Team (with you in one of the roles, obvs!)

WW: Jill Soloway, Ava DuVernay, Milla Jovovich, Tina Fey

What's your go-to jam?

WW: Tough one!  PJ Harvey - "Big Exit"

What male pop culture icon or movie/TV character are you dreaming would get a gender-swap?

WW: RoboCop...ha ha

Recommend one #MUFFApproved film for our blog readers.

WW: Imagine I’m Beautiful (dir. Meredith Edwards)

Be sure to keep up to date with all of White Widow's amazing projects via the links below. And of course we'll see you at the screening on Thursday because you truly don't want to miss this amazing short!

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