#MUFFApproved: Only God Forgives
still courtesy of Radius-TWC
Only God Forgives (2013)
dir. Nicolas Winding Refn
Production Designer: Beth Mickle
I'm a huge, huge fan of Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive and Only God Forgives and a huge chunk of that love is reserved for the look of the films (and also Cliff Martinez, for giving me the most epic driving-around-late-at-night song). Both films are incredibly beautiful but Only God Forgives is particularly stunning. I mean, look at that picture. LOOK AT IT. Texture, colour, light, deliciousness, depth—and it's all thanks to brilliant production designer Beth Mickle. (Other films: Drive, Half Nelson, Madness and Genius, It's Kind of a Funny Story, Lost River, and the upcoming Focus.)
You know how some people would buy a boat if they won the lottery? Those people are chumps. I'd hire Beth Mickle to production design my life. Not my house—my life. I'm not entirely sure of the difference but I trust she'll figure it out.
Ugh. I die. (still courtesy of Radius-TWC)
Only God Forgives has some of the most intricate, layered, stunning sets I have ever laid eyes on. Combined with the gorgeous lighting and careful framing makes for a visual explosion that could render one brain dead if they weren't careful.
I hope Beth Mickle continues working with Nicolas Winding Refn because they make beautiful, bad ass films together. Read this cool article about how she designed the look for Drive. She talks about everything from the apartment design to building sets to working with lighting to getting to share the same space as Ryan Gosling—basically she's a goddess.
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