Letter from the Editor: Birthdays!

Letter from the Editor: Birthdays!

Normally, when my birthday comes around, I'm just riddled with anxiety. It's generally nothing but empty questions and concerns about my well-being dancing through my head... 

Is that another grey hair? 
Does this happen to other 23 year olds?
Do I know anyone else with grey hair in their 20s?
Maybe grey hair looks cool on me. Maybe I can make this work. Maybe it makes me look super distinguished, like, people would look at my hair and be like "Ou, I wonder what she does, I bet she owns an art gallery or a flower shop or raises wild raccoons in her spare time..." 
I should take better care of myself. But... like, cheese and coffee and beer feel so good. So what if I drank like, six shots of espresso and two coffees yesterday? I was tired. 
My chest hurts.
I should try jogging.
Just one more episode of
How To Get Away With Murder...
Whatever...I hate jogging. 

But now I have a reason to be stoked about birthdays again because with our little MUFF's first b-day quickly approaching, I am nothing but abso-friggin'-lutely thrilled. I'm quickly approaching on my one year Toronto anniversary, and apart from approximately one billion other things that I love about this city, I am so happy to be a part of something as enjoyable and fulfilling as MUFF. I've worked a lot of random freelance gigs in my life, and there is nothing more difficult than getting a group of people together who have a common goal and are willing to put the work in for it, and it is seriously awesome that the MUFFians have always been able to accomplish that with ease. We all work well together, we support each other, we understand when one needs a little extra help, and we're always open to meeting more people who want to get involved. 

I can only speak personally, but MUFF has presented several challenges to me that I feel ready and excited to work on. I may literally never get my ass out of my sofa to go for a jog and it's a very real possibility that I'll be completely grey by 25, but you bet your butt I'm stoked to work for MUFF for many years to come. We've grown so much already in 2015, and I can't wait to see how big our MUFF gets in the future. (I can also say concretely that we'll never tire of making dirty jokes.)

PS: Anybody want to help me dye my hair? 


Mini MUFF Profile: Nicole Dorsey

Mini MUFF Profile: Nicole Dorsey

#MUFFApproved: Jessica Jones

#MUFFApproved: Jessica Jones